Yim Sarein Ouk obituary

Yim Sarein Ouk Obituary

Fitchburg, Massachusetts, United States

September 04, 1934 - January 23, 2021

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Yim Sarein Ouk obituary

Yim Sarein Ouk Obituary

Sep 04, 1934 - Jan 23, 2021

This obituary is administered by:

An Angel from Heaven

Yim Sarein Ouk, 86, of Fitchburg, Massachusetts, passed on January 23, 2021, peacefully in the comfort of her home. Yim was born on September 04, 1934 in Kombrey Dombong Kite Kandal, Cambodia. 

Her parents names were Ouk Pic and Thom Chum. She has 3 siblings; her brother passed during the war and her sister whom she loved so dearly, Yann, lives in Westford, MA. 

In Cambodia before the war, Yim use to Tban and tver chomka. She married Chan Chea Sombat, her late husband passed during the war, leaving her a widow at the age of 30. They had 5 children. Sokchoeun, Sok Sann, Chan Mai, Vichareth, and Tyda. Today, all her children live in Massachusetts. Sokchoeun and wife Sopor have 2 children. Sok Sann had provide for mother Yim when they arrived to the US till today. Her third child, Chan Mei and husband Murn have 2 children, Sydney and Peter. 4th Child, Vichareth and Wife and son have lived with her during her life time, while caring for Yim. As well as Tyda her last child and husband Heng, has been her caregiver till her final days. 

The life she has live is like no other, she has experienced all the challenges of life. While residing in the US, she was left to take care of 5 young children alone. They settled in Lynn, MA. While not speaking a word of English, she was able to provide for her mother, children and also her grandchildren. 

Even in her passing she grounds the world. If you ever got to meet her, it would be a blessing for you. She was a spirtual leader, who gathered and guided a world full of people, particularly Cambodian\'s & refugees. She is the essence of divine love and compassion; she welcomes all and has touched so many lives. To the community and family she is \"Big grandma\". Big grandma was our safe haven, our faith, our teacher. She carried an abundance of wisdom and lived a very spirtual, peaceful Buddhist lifestyle. She has touched so many lives, and has instilled upon many, the values of life, respect, love, honor, compassion, foregiveness and integrity. 

Today, we mourn the loss of our loved one, her legacy lives on through us.

You can to the family or in memory of Yim Ouk.
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