Susanna  Ala-Kurikka obituary

Susanna Ala-Kurikka Obituary

Kurikka, Pirkanmaa, Finland

June 10, 1983 - May 12, 2018

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Susanna  Ala-Kurikka obituary

Susanna Ala-Kurikka Obituary

Jun 10, 1983 - May 12, 2018

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SUSANNA ALA-KURIKKA passed away on Saturday 12th of May 2018 in London, aged 34.

She was a mother, a partner, a daughter, a sister, a best friend and an old friend. She was a writer and an environmentalist. She lived, she loved and she was loved. She achieved everything worth achieving. She was perfect. What she left behind is pure, beautiful and good.

Her spirit will be set free at the Golders Green Crematorium, London at 9 am on Friday 8th of June 2018. She’s going to the stars.

Her family wish that in lieu of cards and flowers, a favorite photograph of her is brought with your favorite memory of her written on the back of it.

You can to the family or in memory of Susanna Ala-Kurikka.
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