Santos  Santana Espejo obituary

Santos Santana Espejo Obituary

Lawndale, California, United States

March 02, 1973 - January 01, 2023

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Santos  Santana Espejo obituary

Santos Santana Espejo Obituary

Mar 02, 1973 - Jan 01, 2023

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Miss me, but never forget me

Santos Espejo, 49, of Lawndale, California, passed on January 01, 2023. Santos was born on March 2nd, 1973.Santos Santana Espejo Jr. born to Maria and Santos Espejo in Los Angeles, California .Santos was aways known as the nicest kid who cared about everyone and had the biggest heart. Because of his passion he landed in an industry where he worked with Veterans and became close with a lot of his clients.

Because of his passion for people. He was always given his all to everyone who could possibly need his assistance. His biggest gift was the gift of being a father to four amazing children. His daughter Erica, Phalynn, Lauren and his son Brandon. Then came the two exertions that would elevate his life even more. His two grandsons Jevon and Jordan. Those were his six heart beats.

In 2015 Santos would have a battle that God knew he was prepared to fight. Leukemia was looking at him face to face. His only response would be “let’s dance” and dance he did. Not only did he win that battle, but he stomped all over it and became stronger and more esilient through it all. He was built for that battle and God prepared for it by providing guidance and love throughout. Santos rarely complained, if at all, and always went through life laughing, joking, and smiling.

Santos will always be remembered for his vibrant personality, his love and passion for his children and grandchildren. Santos was always known as the jokester, loyal, and his dedication. He was everyones friend.

Santos leaves behind the cherish memories : Daughter Erica, Phalynn, Lauren, Son Brandon, and Grandsons Jevon and Jordan. Mother Maria, Father Santos Jr, Sister Sandy, Brother Fernando, Brother Carlos and a host of nieces and nephews.

Life Is:

A mystery- Unfold it, Walk it, Endure it, See it, but more importantly Enjoy it. I am your father, grandfather, brother, son, and friend. I’ll see you soon.


If tears could build a stairwell and memories were a lane I’d walk right up o heaven and bring you back home again. No farewell words were spoken, no time to say goodbye…. You were gone before I knew it and only God knows why. My heart still aches in sadness and secret tears still flow. What it means to lose you No One Will ever know.

You can to the family or in memory of Santos Espejo.


Inglewood Mortuary Details:
1:30 P.M.
January 27, 2023
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