Renato  Jimenez obituary

Renato Jimenez Obituary

Quezon City, Manila, Philippines

June 14, 1968 - September 05, 2018

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Renato  Jimenez obituary

Renato Jimenez Obituary

Jun 14, 1968 - Sep 05, 2018

This obituary is administered by:

In Loving Memory

We would like to express our deepest gratitude & appreciation to all who sacrificed their time in assisting during his time of difficulty & wake, offered prayers, gave donations, and condoled with us. While we cannot thank each and every one of you personally, we're sure your invaluable contributions will be rewarded by our Lord from above. Rest assured, there will always be embedded in our hearts. 

His wife, sons & daughters, siblings, nephews & nieces, and the rest of the Jimenez family.

You can to the family or in memory of Renato Jimenez.
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