Ralph Toney Obituary
Elizabeth, Idaho, United States
September 30, 1919 - January 01, 2016
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Ralph Toney Obituary
Sep 30, 1919 - Jan 01, 2016
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Ralph ToneySeptember 30, 1919 - January 6, 2016Ralph Toney, 96, part of the Greatest Generation, died on January 6, 2016 from complications following surgery. If he had not fallen down and broken his hip, he would still be singing "Hey Good Lookin' " to the staff at the Idaho State Veterans Home. Ralph was born on September 30, 1919 in New Kensington, PA. He and his four siblings were raised by a single mom after his dad passed away when Ralph was six.Growing up during the Great Depression was not easy, so he joined the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) when he was fifteen. He would send his paycheck back to his mom, keeping only enough to play dice, which would keep him in spending money. He had a deferment for WW II (supporting a widowed mother and unmarried sister) but enlisted anyway. He went into the Army Air Corps and after training was stationed at Mountain Home AFB. Mountain Home was a training base for B-17 and B-24 bombers and Ralph was a mechanic on these training planes.While stationed at MHAFB, he met Pat Hall at a USO dance. They were married in Nampa on July 8, 1945. Their son, Richard, was born in 1946 and David was born in 1948. An infant daughter, Mary Elizabeth, died in 1950.The majority of his working career was spent with Metropolitan Life insurance Co. as an agent and manager. He was a born salesman, probably the main reason he was able to get Pat to marry him. He had a successful career, retiring in the late 70's. Family was important to Ralph. He and Pat attended untold numbers of football, basketball, wrestling, baseball, and track events through their sons' high school and college years. A lot of their traveling was visiting relatives and attending family reunions, and they always drove. Dad was pretty thrifty. Ralph was an active Shriner, serving on numerous clubs and committees during his over 50-year membership in the Boise Lodge #2. He was a 32nd degree Mason and a member of the Boise Valley Scottish Rite of Free Masonry. He was a lifetime supporter and season ticket holder for the Broncos. But what he did best after retirement was go to garage sales. He would negotiate the $2.00 hand saw down to $1.00 and buy it not because he needed it, but because it was such a good deal. His two favorite bargaining lines were "Do you take cash" and "How bad do you want to get rid of that."Ralph outlived his wife of 67 years, Pat; his brothers, Mike, Jim, and George; and his sister, Mary. He is survived by his sons, Rich (Patty) and Dave (Lisa); grandchildren, Brad (Chris) Toney of Seattle, Kathy Toney of Portland, Eric (Brandy) Toney of Meridian, and Tammy (Dennis) Paul of Meridian; great grand- children, Serena and Elise Toney of Seattle; Evan, Logan, and Dylan Toney of Meridian; and Peyton, Carson, and Sydney Paul of Meridian; and a lot of nieces and nephews from both sides of the family who loved their Uncle Ralph because he always had dollar bills in his pocket.We want to thank the entire staff of the East Wing Memory Care Unit of the Idaho State Veterans Home. Their loving care of our dad and all of their patients was remarkable. We are so glad he had the opportunity to stay there and spend his last few days there.Funeral service will be held Saturday, March 12, 2016 at 10:30 am at Summers Funeral Home, 1205 W. Bannock St. Boise. A lunch reception will follow at the El Korah Shrine across the street from Summers. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations in his name to the % El Korah Temple, 1118 W. Idaho St., Boise, 83702. Memories and condolences may be shared with the family on Ralph's memorial webpage at www.summersfuneral.com.
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