Faith Christian Church and International Outreach Center 6472 Duhollow Road Warrenton,Va 20187
Melba Robinson Griffin, 72, of Manassas, Virginia, passed on February 22, 2023. Melba was born on March 29, 1950 in Richmond, Virginia, to the late Jamie Griffin & Rosa Griffin.
Melba was the loving and devoted mother seven children her daughter Sarah Griffin, Virginia Robinson, Linda Griffin and Jeanette Robinson.The son are Wesly Griffin, Harold Griffin and Marvin Griffin.
Beloved sister of Lisa Griffin, Deborah Thomas.
Proud grandmother of 14 granddaughter and 9 grandson.
Also survived by an enormous amount of cousins, nieces, nephews, aunts & uncles.
Melba Griffin Robinson departed her earthly home to cross heaven gates.
You can to the family or in memory of Melba Robinson Griffin.
Going Home Details:
March 04, 2023
Faith Christian Church and International Outreach Center , 6472 Duhollow Road , Warrenton, Va 20187
Jeanette planted a tree for Melba.
Jeanette planted a tree for Melba.