Kenneth Franklin Bryan Cobbs obituary

Kenneth Franklin Bryan Cobbs Obituary

Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, United States

November 23, 1965 - April 12, 2021

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Kenneth Franklin Bryan Cobbs obituary

Kenneth Franklin Bryan Cobbs Obituary

Nov 23, 1965 - Apr 12, 2021

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November 23, 1965 - April 10, 2021

Family and friends of Dr. Kenneth Franklin Bryan Cobbs will gather to honor his life on Sunday, April 25, 2021 at 2:00pm. Services will be held graveside at the City of Granbury Cemetery in Granbury, TX. under the direction of Wiley Funeral Home. Any and all who wish to attend are welcome. Officiating will be Dr. Steve Quinn. Military honors will be bestowed, livestream of the service will be available, and reception will follow at the home of Mary Cheyne. Ken was born in Midwest City, OK., Tinker Air Force Base, November 23, 1965 and Jesus called him home April 10, 2021. He was born into a proud military family and was privileged to travel the world growing up. He was a graduate of Eastwood High School, El Paso, TX. Baylor University, Waco, TX., Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX., completed his Orthopedic Surgery Residency at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC. and served in the United States Air Force reaching the rank of Major.

Ken (“KC”) will be remembered as a believer, a father to the two luckiest boys who ever were plucked out of a Russian orphanage, a son, a husband, a friend, a Sigma Chi brother, an overcomer, a provider, a hard worker, an orthopedic surgeon, a physician, a provider of countless acts of free medical care and advice, a do-er of acts of kindness, both great and small, both known and unknown, as someone incredibly brilliant, intelligent, clever and funny, as a lover of the mountains and the snow, as a snowboarder, a mountain biker, a fly-fisherman, a lifelong enjoyer of music and concerts, a high school basketball star, a member of Baylor Men's Basketball Team, an intramural basketball phenom and a lover of all things sports, especially NCAA basketball, the NFL and specifically his beloved Minnesota Vikings.

Ken will be missed and is survived by his wife Courtney Cheyne Cobbs, his sons Harrison Cooper Cobbs and Jefferson Walker Cobbs, mother Linda Harrison Cobbs, sister Karen ('Casey') Cobbs Suppler and husband Alan Suppler, sister Kelley Cobbs Westenhoff and husband Charles ('Westy') Westenhoff Col., USAF, niece Lindy Westenhoff, nephew John Westenhoff, mother-in-law Mary Cheyne, brother-in-law Chris Cheyne, sister-in-law Kim Cheyne, nephew Jake Cheyne, niece Emma Cheyne and extended family. KC was preceded in death by his father Richard C. Cobbs, Lt. Col. USA (Ret.).

In lieu of flowers, the family kindly requests that donations be made to:

Camp Ozark Foundation 155 Camp Ozark Dr. Mt. Ida, AR. 71957

2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 ‘May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our father, who loved us and by His grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.’

Proverbs 3:5-6 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.' 

You can to the family or in memory of Kenneth Cobbs.


Graveside Memorial Details:
April 25, 2021
City of Granbury Cemetery, 200 E. Moore St., Granbury, TX. 76048
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