Hattie Ann Martin obituary

Hattie Ann Martin Obituary

Camden, South Carolina, United States

March 23, 1956 - October 02, 2020

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Hattie Ann Martin obituary

Hattie Ann Martin Obituary

Mar 23, 1956 - Oct 02, 2020

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I will remember to live life with courage and wisdom and strength. And I will remember to hold back on the personal details – just enough to keep it interesting. And some day, when we all meet again, we’ll toast with a bit of gin for a life well lived. Un

Hattie Martin, 64, of Camden, South Carolina, passed on October 02, 2020. Hattie was born on March 23, 1956.

Each one of us has one most important person in our life. For me my Grandmother is the most important and he most influential person in my life. She is traditional, sensible, kind, a good cook, religious and lovable.

She has taken care for me since I was a newly born child. She has brought me up very well. When she passed away I was heartbroken.

But she will always be alive deep inside my heart because she has taught me so many good things in life. She has changed my world by making me a good human being.

Two months ago I have completed my Chemical Engineering with top grades and today I am placed in a well renowned multinational company. I gave the credit of my success to my grandmother because when I was a kid my mom and dad both were busy in their respective jobs and she took pains to make me study well to get good grades.

She took care for me at home and makes me eat healthy food so that I can stay healthy and attend my school regularly. Whenever I was filled with negative thoughts about my parents that they do not care for me like other parents do, she made me understand that they love me but fail to devote ample time due to their jobs.

When I came home coming fighting with my best buddy she took efforts to make me to patch it up. When I was bored she played with me like a child. I have discussed all my problems with her and she has always given solutions to all my problems.

I really miss her a lot. She was a very good cook. She used to make my favorite dessert “Merry go land” for me on every Sundays and even sometimes when I request her or on some special occasions. She has always helped me in teaching economics as she was a gold medalist in economics. Economics was the only subject which I hated a lot in my childhood days. But she always made it easier for me.

She made me confident to face life failures with grace. She always taught me to believe in myself no matter what happens. She taught me to be brave. If she would have not been in my life to teach me the right patch life would have been completely different and I would have been completely a different boy.

May be I might have not achieved so much success in life as I have achieved today. She was more than a best friend to me. I have learned a lot in life through her eyes through her experiences, success and failures. She has taught me the value for money and value of true relationships. She taught me to also face failures with held high like I celebrate my success.

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