George Robert Hicks obituary

George Robert Hicks Obituary

Mobile, New Mexico, United States

September 07, 1924 - January 06, 2016

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George Robert Hicks obituary

George Robert Hicks Obituary

Sep 07, 1924 - Jan 06, 2016

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George Robert Hicks, age 92, went to be with his Lord on November 6, 2016, at his home in Clovis, NM. Funeral Service will be held on November 10, 2016, at 10:00 AM at the First Baptist Church of Clovis with Pastors San Duncan and Tom Schuey, officiating. Arrangements are by Steed Todd Funeral Home; no graveside services will be held. George was born on September 7, 1924, to the home of George William and Alice (Fogg) Hicks of Clovis, NM. He attended school in Clovis and graduated from Clovis High School in 1942. Later, after serving in the Army he married Betty Jo Murrell of Clovis in 1947. Together, they had a daughter, Iantha F. Hicks (Clovis). They were married 69 years on October 14, 2016. George served in the Army's 187th Glider Infantry Unit with the 11th Airborne during WWII in the South Pacific. He was trained to jump from airplanes into combat zone but soon after his training, Japan surrendered. His unit was reassigned to the arctic region of northern Japan and he served as a Chaplains Assistant. He loved the people of Japan and he worked closely with families of fallen soldiers.After returning to Clovis in 1946, he resumed his dairy operation and started the Golden Rule Hatchery which produced 8,000 chickens per week for sale and distribution. In 1960, he closed the dairy / hatchery and developed the first modern mobile home park in Clovis. He continued to oversee daily operations of the Hicks Mobile Home Park and RV until 2014. He loved his business, enjoyed helping people, and worked on church maintenance projects. As a Deacon of the First Baptist Church of Clovis, he served on numerous committees, such as the 75th First Baptist Church Historical Committee which compiled and published the First Baptist Church, Seventy-Five Years historical book in 1982. George also worked with his wife Betty, Don McAlavy, Harold Kilmer in the Curry County Historical Society to create the Curry County Historical Books. George is proceeded in death by his parents, George William Hicks, and Alice (Fogg) Hicks, and William Hicks.Survivors include his wife, Betty Hicks of the home; daughter, Iantha Hicks of Clovis and numerous friends and tenants both past and present who loved his kind and gentle spirit. Serving as pallbearers will be: Danny Zamora, Diego Lopez, Troy Helwig, Jesse Trevino, Bill Vetterly, Ricki Castorena, Marlon Inman, Eldon Jones, and Daryl Roach. Memorials may be given to Inlow Baptist Youth Camp, New Mexico Email: mcannata@bcnm.comOffice phone: 505-600-9520, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 800-628-0028.The family of George Hicks wish to extend their sincere thanks to his personal caregivers: Annette and Ricki Castorena, Angela Johnson, Sylvia Garcia, and Yolanda Sanchez. Also, a special thanks to Compassus Hospice for their wonderful caregivers: Lamisha, Ernestine, Laiza, Erika, Jim, Kristian, and Gary.
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