Eugene William Fred obituary

Eugene William Fred Obituary

Elizabeth, Alaska, United States

December 26, 1962 - January 28, 2016

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Eugene William Fred obituary

Eugene William Fred Obituary

Dec 26, 1962 - Jan 28, 2016

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Eugene William Fred of Angoon passed away in Angoon on August 28, 2016. Eugene was born on December 26, 1962. He graduated from Angoon High school. Eugene was Chilkat Kaagwaantaan from the Gaaw Hit (Drum house) of the Ligooshi Hit (Finned House) in Klukwan. His Tlingit name was Yaan'ax" nahoo (Fast Swimming Wolf). He was a Deisheetan ya'di through Matthew J. Fred Sr. (Naho'owu, L.aangooshu', Tleidi'x'i, Aanx'isxh'aa) and Wooshkeetaan grandchild through John Fred (Kootla.a'a) who was Hit Saati of Noow Hit (Fort house) in Angoon. John's father as Ghaanaxhteidi', a man named Khaawun.eet whose wife Mary was known as Shkada.a'xhch. Eugenes mother Elizabeth "Bessie" Fred was a Deisheetaan yadi through William Johnson (Kootaxh'teek), whose wife was Elizabeth Shotridge (Xhoodeitsaakw). Her maternal Uncle Louis Shotridge (Stuwukha'a) recorded their lineage which now from Gene is 17 generations of Tlingit names. Eugene knew John Fred (Kootla.a'a) was his grandfather and claimed as his grandpa Pete Kanosh (Tleeyaa Ke'et, Gushte'eiheen) of the Dakhl'aweidi, who was the second husband of his grandmother Esther Boyd Fred (Shaachooka). Esther's Father was John Boyd (Yaan tah) Hit Saati of Sitka Wolf House. Eugene recently was adopted into the Killerwhale Clan and given the Dakhl'aweidi name T'eet Las'aa (Killerwhale Sprouting in the Waves) by Edwell John Jr. This was in gratitude for being the caretaker of D'ahl'aweidee Aatoow which he returned to the Hit Saati and Clan. He was also given a Keet Shirt. He wanted it to be used by clan members and the grandchildren (Dachxun). Eugene worked as a longshoreman for Kootznoowoo Inc, He earned his Red card as a Firefighter for the Forest Service, part time employee for the City of Angoon keeping the roads sanded in the winter time. He enjoyed Running, Fishing, Hunting, Cultural and community events and of course really loved Basketball. Eugene played basketball for the majority of his life. He was a strong defender. He enjoyed City League Basketball, he was proud to be named after his Uncle Eugene Johnson is on the Mt. Edgecumbe's Basketball Hall of Fame. In High school he played the trumpet for the Angoon High School Orchestra under Wayne Sanger. He loved the competition in the Orchestra, 2nd and 3rd chair horn players could challenge 1st chair players. He saw the affectiveness of the orchestra and was proud to be a part of the band. Eugene's fondest memories were of going to Chatham and getting close to the crew of the Gale – Herb Larson, Gig Harbor Seattle Washington, and in later year's hand trolling with his brother Gilbert, Scott Stuart, and Nate Vickers. Eugene is survived by his siblings Marlene Zuboff (Alan), Maxine Thompson (Joe), Margaret Ivory, Matthew Fred Jr., Lillian Fred (Levi), Mike Fred, Gilbert Fred, Frances Klotz, Marti Fred, Uncle Bill Johnson(Mona), and many more extended family members on both sides of the parents and friends. Eugene is preceded in death by his parents Matthew J. Fred Sr and Elizabeth (Bessie) Fred, Uncle Eugene Johnson, siblings Patricia Ramirez, Sally Fred, and Calvin Fred. A Memorial Service will be held in Angoon on September 16, 2016. In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be given to Maxine Thompson. The Family of Eugene William Fred wishes to thank Harold Jacobs of Tlingit and Haida for assisting us, and the Community of Angoon for all they have done to help him.
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