Cristobal Alexander Coreas Mejia obituary

Cristobal Alexander Coreas Mejia Obituary

Estanzuelas, Usulután, El Salvador

November 17, 1977 - January 26, 2023

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Cristobal Alexander Coreas Mejia obituary

Cristobal Alexander Coreas Mejia Obituary

Nov 17, 1977 - Jan 26, 2023

This obituary is administered by:

Father, Husband, Son, Brother

Cristobal Alexander Coreas Mejia, 45, of Estanzuelas, Usulután, passed on January 26, 2023. Cristobal was born on November 17, 1977. He was a loving father who was endlessly making his children laugh regardless of how old they were getting. He loved without bounds and his wife remembers his for that. He was a brother that paved the way for his younger siblings. And lastly but most importantl, he was a son with first-generation accomplishments that made his parents proud.

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