Clifford  Swanson obituary

Clifford Swanson Obituary

Byron, Illinois, United States

September 11, 1967 - June 14, 2024

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Clifford  Swanson obituary

Clifford Swanson Obituary

Sep 11, 1967 - Jun 14, 2024

This obituary is administered by:

Clifford and Andrea Swanson

Andrea Swanson (July, 21, 1945) left us late 2023.

Andrea grew up in poverty in the 50's. She never let her grand kids forget about it through constant stories of working hard, investing, and having to make your own hoop skirts. While it did not last into her adulthood, Cherie continued to hold onto her love for baton twirling.

Although she married multiple times throughout her years, her second husband Ronald Swanson held the official title of her love, who she had two kids Clifford and Kelly with. Her life with Ron started a new chapter. Together they successfully managed a concrete company, built multiple houses, and ran their own homestead. Raising Cliff and Kelly proved to be chaos for the couple. It was not uncommon to see the two children bare backing a semi feral pony or running up and down the town. While Cherie was strict with her parenting style she always made sure to give her children with opportunities to grow their future. She was also a step mother to Shala Werner, who she always spoke highly of to her grandchildren.

Later in Life Kelly would would make her the grandmother of three children: Richard, Wyiatt, and Shianne Ackerson. Each year the kids would take turns on who would get the hand sewn Halloween costume. She always came with balloons, children's watches, and random thrift finds. As the grandchildren aged she helped nurture Richard's willingness to learn about technology and investing, helped Wyiatt start his career path, and Shianne buy her first home.

Through divorces, addiction, and sickness, Cherie still supported her children throughout the tough times. She never stopped being a mother.

On every property she lived, the landscape was full of self sustainable life. Fruit trees, berry bushes, perennial crops. She held onto bountiful knowledge on everything she planted. Cherie was well known for her homemade fudge and bread rolls. She always made her daughter Kelly chocolate pudding pie. While she chose to stay home with the children instead of having her own career, she did attend college for psychology. Even in old age she would not sit down, attempting to fix her own roof well into her 70s. Cherie did not hold onto any specific religious beliefs, but her main belief in life was to work hard and avoid the assholes.

Clifford Swanson (9/11/1967-6/14-2024)

Cliff was not happy without his mother, and left us on June 14th, 2024.

Almost everything can be said about Cliff. Since day one, Cliff was the definition of chaos. He was the definition of crazy uncle. A definition of a character. From running streets naked to always asking out of pocket questions Cliff refused to slow down. He was raised and died in Byron Illinois, in the home he shared with his late mother Andrea. His mother was the only person who helped him feel calm and he missed her more than anything.

While Cliff was no where near a standard person, he never showed a strong desire to hurt anyone. He was heard often saying the phrases "The world is trying to keep us apart, family needs to stick together", "why kill yourself when you have God", "Kelly you are the best dam cook I know DAM so good".

Cliff constantly told his niece that he loved her and was proud of her for doing what he felt he could never do.

Through the constant up and down hills Cliff found God, lost them, and found again.

He filled us with many haywire stories to continue to tell throughout the years.

While it is hard for many to remember Cliff in a certain light, it is certain that once meeting Cliff a person could never forget him.

While his death was not an easy one, we hope he can finally get some rest for his wild soul.

We can only hope he will once again meet with his mother, who his bond with is far from breakable.

At a later date, Father, Mother, and Son will be released together in a remembrance gathering.

You can to the family or in memory of Clifford Swanson.
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