Clayton Eugene Felton obituary

Clayton Eugene Felton Obituary

lincoln, Missouri, United States

March 18, 1979 - July 07, 2017

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Clayton Eugene Felton obituary

Clayton Eugene Felton Obituary

Mar 18, 1979 - Jul 07, 2017

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Clayton Eugene FeltonClayton Eugene Felton, of Springfield, Missouri, died unexpectedly on July 7, 2017, while visiting family on vacation, from a massive heart attack cause by a blood clot in his brain. He was 38. Clayton is survived by a grieving wife he deeply loved more than life, Kristin Felton (nee Schaumburg) originally of Delran, New Jersey; his children, Jack Felton (6), Elijah Felton (4), and Maxwell Felton (1), of Springfield, MO; his parents, Charles and Louise Felton; his siblings, Clifton Felton and Wendy Felton; his brother-in-law, Tim; his sisters-in-law, Jena and Jennifer; his nieces Lily, Edie and Ruby; his nephews, Lincoln, Truman and Albert; his mother-in-law, Debbie; his father-in-law, Tom; many aunts, uncles and cousins; and countless friends. He is predeceased by his grandparents Jack and Bertha Felton and Lucille Moore; his aunts Lois Rippy, Wanda Moore, Kay Heinmiller, and Jeanie Moore; and his infant niece he dearly loved, Juliette Felton.Clayton was born on March 18, 1979 to Chuck and Louise Felton. He graduated from Central High School in 1997. In 2010, he persevered and proudly graduated from Missouri State University with a degree in Urban Planning and Development. On April 6, March 14, and December 14 he welcomed his precious sons, and always said, "My boys are my hobbies." Everything he did was rooted in a deep dedication and love for his boys.Clayton sat at the table of life and filled his plate with good, good things. He filled it with a God Who made things new, Who exchanged ashes for beauty, Who rose above chaos and brought order. He filled his plate with his wife, Kristin, a strong woman who saw him, and loved him more deeply than most love anyone. Someone whose silliness matched his, as well as compassion and service toward others. He filled his plate with his sons, Jack, Eli and Max, always choosing to pursue them and not wait to follow their lead for time with him.He filled his plate with his parents, siblings and other family members, honoring them for the ways they taught him, loving them for their friendship, accepting them for their love. He filled his plate with a career, beginning at Jack Henry and Associates and then BKD, doing excellent work he truly enjoyed. He filled his plate with his church, James River Church West, serving well, loving well, filling his spirit well. He filled his plate with so many good things, mostly things that aren't things, mostly people. And, unlike so many of us who fill our plates to overflowing and then look around to see what others have, rushing through our good things so we can grab more, he feasted on his good things with gentleness and contentment, always willing to share what he had with others and not begrudge them what was theirs. He filled his plate and those left behind are inspired to do the same. Not just to choose well, but to savor well. He died with dignity and compassion, donating 5 major organs and tissue in order that every last drop of who he was could bless the people in his reach. Clayton fought the good fight, he finished his race, he kept the faith, and he did it well with humility, integrity and strength. He will be deeply missed.Visitation is Thursday, July 13th from 5-7pm at James River Church West Campus. The funeral is Friday, July 14th at 11:00 am at James River Church West Campus.Services are under the care of Greenlawn Funeral Home East.If you'd like to contribute to a fund set up to help his wife and young children manage the financial and emotional burden his death creates, please go to:
You can to the family or in memory of Clayton Felton.
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