Bernice  Williams obituary

Bernice Williams Obituary

Glendale, Arizona, United States

July 07, 2027 - September 28, 2020

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Bernice  Williams obituary

Bernice Williams Obituary

Jul 07, 2027 - Sep 28, 2020

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I lived my Life

Bernice Williams, a resident of Glendale, Arizona, passed on September 28, 2020. Bernice was born on July 07, 2027. Born in Peoria, Illinois, she was one of nine children birth to Bishop John Henry and Missionary Elvinnie Little. Bernice's roots were established in the Church of God In Christ. An avid believer of Jesus
Christ and Him Crucified, Jesus being the Son of God, she lived her life as a testament to Him. Bernice introduced her two daughters, Judith E. and Sharon Gail, to spiritual enlightenment and the goal of eternal life with God, the Father, during their early childhood. As her daughters began to spread their wings of independence, Bernice was freed up to share her gifts and talents with the youth of her church through her teaching ministry. As a faithful servant to the Lord, Bernice blossomed in ministry, and with time, worked as a teacher, missionary, and registered nurse on a local and state level in the body of the C.O.G.I.C.

Looking back from her ripe age of 100 years, one would have to believe that she had to have seen and experienced so very many societal and religious changes. Yet Bernice remained steadfast in the Faith and accomplished so very much. In spite of the many woes of society, she saw it as an opportunity to help young women whose lives seemed to be fragmented and needed healing. She became the founder of_Neighhood Nurture Center-, an outreach organization that_______________________________. Bernice was a caregiver to her aged mother who lived with her. During this time, became a licensed RN, graduating from the Kansas University nursing program. Having a fondness for the elderly, Bernice left employment from the hospital setting to attend the elderly in Nursing homes. Before retiring to raise two great-grandchildren for her troubled granddaughter, she worked as Dir. of Nurse at the St Joseph_____________Nursing Home. The teachers were quite in awe of this great-grandmother, well into______________ her '80s, who would sit in the classes of each of these two elementary-age students to monitor their contribution and behavior to class. As years passed, even more, astonishing were the times she would show up at the high school. Although the grandson was teased by his peers, he would proudly retort, "Oh, you're just jealous because your grandma doesn't."Although she considered it a milestone, getting grandchildren through to graduation, she was so excited and very pleased and proud of observing her many, grands, and great-grandchildren accomplish so much for her to see in her lifetime. She smiled because she realized that she had much to do with their accomplishments. To them her name was ggMomma. It constantly rang out when they were around, and she loved it.

If she were here today, she would tell you her greatest treat in life is the unexpected gift God gave her. A VIEW FROM THE RIGHT SIDE OF SIXTY, was one out of five poetry books authored and published by her. After the age of sixty, self-taught, she says she was inspired with words from the Holy Spirit that reminded her of her years of observation of life's journey. From these vivid thoughts, she felt compelled to write the visions and make them plain. It turns out that these works of poetry, books sold and books were given have proven to be uplifting and encouraging to many cities throughout the USA. Her poems have been published in newspapers, magazines, and the books can be read in Kansas and Illinois Libraries.

Again self-taught, as she would say inspired by the Holy Spirit, she has sold many of her oil paintings. Bernice had many art exhibits in Kansas City and the surrounding area. Her paintings have been displayed in college and on library walls. Her paintings were featured on_________TV program as she answered questions from the host to explain her work and her gift.

Yes, her life has been rich, and she would say to you, I lived my life to the fullest and to the glory of God.

You can to the family or in memory of Bernice Williams.
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