Barry Benjamin Babcock Obituary
Des Moines, Iowa, United States
July 23, 1959 - July 24, 2023
The unfortunate timing age 65.His half sisters:Marie Wall,69,and many other fam members.Cause of death:Lung cancers
You can to the family or in memory of Barry Babcock.
Burial Details:
1:10 AM
July 29, 2023
Des Moines,IA, Walsh Funeral Services of Burial(WFSOB), Des Moines,IA
Details: He was born to Florence Jade Harlim Babcock(1931-2013),and Louis 'Tad' Babcock(1928-2005).His half-sisters are Charity Mermel,67,Ellis Demors,71,and Osandia Hall,74.His half-brothers are Louis 'Tad' Babcock Jr.,67,Bruno D'Ammel,71,and Dennis Bludeflag,74.Sisters are Dana Wistir,67,Marlea Cleveland,71,and Lora Thlend,74.Brothers are Andie Wall,67,Louis Phoney,71,and Bess Tallways,74.He married Eve Cride in 1979.Together they had daughters and sons.His daughters are Lori Asten,44,Alice Wall,40,Sasha Hinde,36,Maria Astehne,32,Loana Hawneche,28,Ellie Andersen,24,and Penelope Wilson,22.His sons are 44,40,36,32,28,24,and 22.Their names are Dave,John,Alex,Don,Jason,Jahseh,and Bennett.His grandchildren have not been revealed,but they are 26,22,18,14,10,6,4,and 2.He had a heart attack but survived.Sadly,he had a 2nd heart attack.He was took to George Washington Illness,Condition,and Heart Attack and Stroke,and Trauma Center(GWICAHAASATC),but pronounced dead when he got there.He was attempted to get revived,but it would sadly not work.And that was the end of Barry Benjamin Babcock,65.